Friday, 15 May 2009

Looking back

I posted this on 3rd Sept last year

Deep changes are in progress in every area of my life, except possibly our marriage, and while I'm at peace over them - I'm sure it's all from God - the things going on still cause a reaction inside.

I'm trying to navigate situations I can't yet see while floating on a sea of unknown.

Already this evening God's whispered about some of the things in the future, and that's great, but they are FUTURE things, and the present situation is NOT there yet.

And some of the things He HASN'T whispered about yet.

There are too many 'coincidences' for me to believe it's not all been planned. But rather like an Indiana Jones movie, there may be a lot of struggle, uncomfortable discovery and plain difficult obstacles to work our way through before we find the treasure at the end.

Nothing has changed apart from the fact that I'm not at peace about it any more. I recognise these feelings from a few previous occasions in my life, and they were not particularly good times to walk through. Failure is not really an option. I liked Fern's Yoda quote "Do or not do: there is no try".

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