At the Marlborough School parents evenings happen with the kids present too. Poor Ben had to sit there while they discussed his successes and shortcomings. I'd say there are 2 groups of people at things like this: butterflys and pins.
As one might expect, he's a normal, healthy teenage boy, and therefore a certain proportion of the work hasn't been finished or handed in. There has been a bit of 'covering up' at home (have you done all your homework? The answer YES doesn't include 'coursework'!) In some subjects he's been very successful (possible A* grades, others we'll be happy with a C). Naturally he works as hard as is necessary to keep going, rather than sweating for hours to produce the very best he can. (my aim is to help him fall between these 2 levels - better than the minimum, but I don't expect to lock him in a tower for the next 5 months).
However Chris was not in the least chuffed, and as time went on, became increasingly upset by it all, asking very tightly defining and pointed questions in the car on the way back. Lots of other pressures all joined in (Chris is the 'organiser' of the household) and came to the surface too. I made the mistake of escaping to the PC when we got in, when I should have been in the kitchen, serving dinner, and the explosion finally happened. Things did get smoothed out eventually, but it left me feeling hurt and angry.
And so to bed.
Not good.
Sleep helped, but only a little.
Heavens feel 'as brass' this morning.
And so to work.
I could feel my shoulders sagging as I walked the path to the car. Once in, normality began to re-assert itself. Then a quick conversation with the MD (currently in the French office) brightened things a bit more.
It's a sad day when you go to work and cheer up.
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