Wednesday 19 March 2014

Bereft of PC power.

On a temporary basis, of course.
I have a gap in the lab work today, so I'm doing the rebuild on the Mac book, including installing a crucial M500 240Gb SSD. After reading around a little more I decided to install mavericks after all, and created a memory stick with the install files last night. It's been going OK, but Apple lie even more about install times than Microsoft, and if I weren't so cynical I would have thought something wrong when 'about a second' took more than 10 min.

The old Sammy ssd is being archived for now as a safety net. I'm also loading all software in fresh, because things that should have been quick were really slow and getting slower. Worst of all, entourage would frequently fail to collect mail, and it had been fine pre-mavericks. So all my files (except the light room database - nuts) are saved on my backup discs.

So I'm posting from my phone, the one mobile computing device I have available.

*typos corrected

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