Friday 15 July 2011

Now I understand

how people must have felt the first time they heard heavy rock.

Widor's Tocata for organ (the last movement of his 5th symphony).

It was being discussed on radio 4 this evening. As soon as I heard it I knew it immediately - it's the piece they play to clear function buildings and make people leave quickly.

I'm serious.

It's as repetitive as an piece of 'dance' music, and while it shares the same glory as a large stack of amplifiers being driven flat out, the textures can't make up for lack of tune just like a guitarist repeatedly hitting a huge overdriven A chord while stomping on different effects pedals. It does have a kind of joyousness, but it's like trying to 'hit the spot' and keep hitting it again and again without sensitivity or subtlety.

The piece comes and goes in tonal surges that, for all the world, make me think of a large drunken man lurching and falling around while trying to have a shouted conversation. I really want to like it, but somehow can't.

If you must find out for yourself, listen here (youtube content).

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