Sunday 22 November 2009

Imelda Marcos visits Somerton.

That may be a little obscure for some.

We recently changed beds: been using the last one more than 10 years, and it was pre-owned before we got it. The one before that was our very first, and we've been married 28 years now. Our reason for changing was that we'd both been getting pains in various parts, probably due to nerves in our necks and shoulders getting upset.


We stored a lot of stuff in the old bed, including shoes. Chris just reminded me that I'd not blogged about it - she had 52 pairs! In justification, they were collected over a very long period, the oldest being 22 years old (she had trouble trying them on, as she was heavily pregnant with Ben at the time).

I had a mere 15 pairs, the oldest of which I bought when I was 15, and were my first pair of real cycling shoes. Another pair I also remember buying for a friend's wedding - when they came back from honeymoon we told them about Chris being pregnant with Ben.

Maybe we do hoard a bit. Dixie - looks like we need some of your ruthlessness!

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