Saturday 14 June 2008

A right tension?

I was turning over part of Linea's comment about that frustrating meeting while in the shower this morning after I'd prayed: about quaker meetings suiting us fine. IF my understanding of quaker practice is correct then I'd stand by the going partway thing. I was also turning over on the other side of my mental desktop the way we're feeling drawn toward that little anglican fellowship right now (and I thank God they are not really *Anglican* in approach).

I was asking God why there was this tension in everything when He's a God of peace and perfection? Surely there should be harmony instead of opposite pulls?

I really felt Him say that it was a part of the fallen-ness of this world, that these things were designed to work together, but instead they have been pulled to opposites as corruptions of their original intentions. So we have the left and right political divide. We have conservative and liberal world views. We have intensely structured and totally unstructured church practice. There's a bunch of other examples, but you get the idea.

In a truly perfect world, as it was designed to be, these work together, not merely balancing to centralise but actually broadening the range of coverage in their areas. In their corrupted polarised forms they narrow and exclude instead of covering all and including.

Right, off to the second prayer meeting of the morning. ;-)

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