Thursday 21 December 2006

That game again

I've been tagged by Fern - 5 things you didn't know about me.

1) I enjoy read books from the back sometimes. I can completely enjoy a book while already knowing the plot and ending. This allows me to read and enjoy a book again and again.

2) My feet shrank in my 20s. When I was 15/16 they were flat and large - anything up to a size 11 shoe was required for comfort. By the time I was 25 I would generally wear 7 1/2 to 8s, and had notably small feet. Things have settled down to around 8 to 9 in UK shoe sizes, or 42 in European.

3) There was a time when I'd seriously considered giving up science as a career and becoming a photographer full time.

4) On a family holiday to Austria when Ben was about 15 months old I took pictures. Lots of pictures. 23 rolls of 36 exposure film + another 5 rolls of 15-on medium format roll film. Some of the images are quite good.

5) As a child I wanted to be a gardener when I grew up.

I'll not tag anyone, but feel free to try to find another 5 things no-one else remembers about you.

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