Saturday 15 April 2006

sometimes it's just hard finding the energy to blog.

Hence why its been so quiet here, even though there's been plenty of very blog-able thoughts running round.

Do you ever consider the way you appear to other people? That DVD of the baptisms reminded me just how odd I am: the mannerisms, sense of humour, nervous tics etc. I always known that I was a little different, although in more recent years I've felt more ordinary. Chris and I were in the bath a couple of days ago (baths are really good places to talk with your other half - it's quiet, comfy and you're face to face about 4 feet apart) talking about the DVD. I use my hands a lot when I talk, and I have a particular way of moving my hands when going into detail. I'll extend my arms a short way forward. elbows bent, palms upward but turned outward slightly and hands a little cupped. I've named this movement "reaching for the breast of emphasis".

Wonder what else I do?

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