Friday 7 October 2005

We're off to the funeral shortly

Father, I want to thank you for the life You gave Lawrence.

That even though people predicted a life of weakness and disability when he was a boy, instead he had a full and happy life.

You guided his steps, whether he knew it or not, so that he walked in honesty and love. You protected him from harm, and took him to places where he could flourish.

You gave him a loving family, and enabled he and Eileen to create an environment of love and security. In his retirement You made it possible for him to make some of his dreams become real, and to travel widely

In your love you gave him good health to the end of his days, and spared him all the indignities of old age. When he did have trouble he remembered you, and wanted to look for you.

Father, thank you that you were aware of him, and blessed him. We trust to Your grace and mercy for him now. We ask you to go with us and touch our lives in the days ahead, and to bring your comfort to us.

Thank you Father.


Closing prayer.

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