Wednesday 13 July 2005

Today is different.

I’m fasting the internet at work today.

Been spending too much time on the net: get home, open a browser and that’s it for the evening, despite occasionally planning to do other stuff. I’m not going to ‘bad’ sites, but too much time is being invested in being entertained.

There’s a flip side too.

I’m part of several online communities. Last night we were discussing (amongst other things) that a person’s community has changed from being those living in the same village to those one talks with. Communication is the driving force behind relationships, rather than proximity. People talk about things they’re interested in, and by talking develop friendship (or enmity, sometimes).

I’ve just thought: it would be interesting to hear who Jesus would use to illustrate the good Samaritan to the online community?

So the time spent isn’t all wasted. We’ve made some great friends online, although I often wonder if we’d feel the same about each other in meatspace. Actually, calling it meatspace is a fallacy – there is only one reality, and it’s all here and now. I guess this form of communication is really the modern version of penfriends (sounds SOOO unexciting put like that) so there’s a strong historical precedent for it to work.

BTW I’m typing this in ‘word’ for upload this evening.

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