Saturday 10 April 2004

End of day 2 - the return.

Loads better now. Slept around 9 hours last night, and although I started slow and dopey (no difference there then) I feel close to normality now. The family seem pleased to see me too.

There's good news and bad news today. The good news is trivial, but I've managed to set up the new guitar so she plays and sounds great.

The bad news is much more serious - satan is trying to get at Wendy and Jordon Cooper. The best thing we can do is pray for both them and the guy that did all those things to Wendy. Pray they all get released from this, and that Wendy, Jordon and Mark are protected from it having a deep negative influence in their lives. Also that they would draw close to God and find their refuge in Him at this time.

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